Buttercream Cookies

If you like buttercream icing, welcome to you new favourite cookie!  Lets say you make a cake for the family and you end up making/buying a little bit too much icing, what are your choices?  Eat it spoon by spoon until its gone?  Alright…..that is an option and quite frankly a good one.  But in this case – why not make it into something even better, Buttercream Cookies.  The kids will love them, your husband will love you even more for making them and heck…you will enjoy a tasty snack yourself!  Warm and gooey…the perfect treat with a glass of milk.

Buttercream Icing Cookies

Makes 12 cookies

1  1/2 cup flour

1/2 tsp baking soda

3/4  cup buttercream icing

1/4  cup white sugar

1 egg

1 tsp vanilla

Heat oven to 350F and grease cookie sheet.  In medium bowl, combine flour and baking soda.  In other medium bowl beat together vanilla, icing, white sugar and egg.  Add dry into wet and mix till you well combine.  Spoon onto cookie sheet and bake for 11 – 12 mins or until golden brown.

What I love about this recipe the most is that you dont need to use any butter or oils because the icing already contains the fat the recipe needs to bind everything together.  Now depending on the flavour of the buttercream icing that you are using in this recipe, you can somewhat customize your cookie flavour.  For instance, I made a batch of coffee icing cookies and then a batch of strawberry cream cookies.  So when you know what the flavour of your icing that you will be using, then you can alter the flavouring you are using.  Vanilla extract is most common because it tends to complement almost every recipe, however you can change it up and use almond extract, orange extract, lime extract or make one of your own.  I will be doing a blog soon of the flavourings you can make right from scratch.  Now when I baked these today,  I left the recipe in its original state when I made them but I dont see why one couldn’t add in chocolate chips, or white chocolate chips. Or even butterscotch chips, peanut butter chips.

As a side note to all this, if you do have left over icing and dont want to bake with it right then and there – put it in tupperware and freeze it.  Freezing it will not change its consistancy, when you defrost it again it will look just as it did when you made it.  Also let it defrost a room temperature, dont microwave.  It can quickly turn into liquid if you aren’t watching.  And then you have icing soup!  Enjoy the cookies, I know we did.

2 thoughts on “Buttercream Cookies

  1. Your cookies are beautiful. That’s the thing I hate about buttercream – there’s always too much (or if I’m not thinking, too little). It totally makes sense to use buttercream though since it’s basically just butter and sugar. Thanks for the tasty recipe.

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